

Medical-Pharmaceutical translation is one of the fields with high complexity, many in-depth words, confusing scientific terms… The wrong translation of a sentence or document can lead to serious deviations. important for medical research, drug use, treatment or diagnosis... Leads to dangerous consequences for the health and life of patients.

The banking and finance sector is a particularly in-demand field in document translation and translation. Through internal data and actual needs that are handled daily, nearly 38% of specialized translation documents are in the field of Finance - Banking.

Interpreting Conferences - Seminars are conducted at meetings, conferences-conferences, multinational and multi-cultural events with a large number of participants, from tens, sometimes to hundreds, and even hundreds of thousands of people. even thousands of people. With participants can be members or PhD students and experts. This is a complicated job that requires the interpreter to have high professionalism, high concentration, multidisciplinary understanding and fluency in the language and culture of the language to be conveyed.

Nowadays, the interpreting process can be conducted in many different forms, depending on the context, needs, physical conditions, etc. Among them, the type of parallel interpretation (cabin interpretation) is being used. used very commonly, especially in large meetings, seminars and conferences.

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